Angels announced the First Advent of our Lord, as they will the Second.
We too join in the singing and the Joy of their God's-Spell announcements.
Music - Laurie Barber
So we’ve come to the serious waiting time that is Advent as we long for the joys of Christmas, the memories, inspiration, spirit and impetus of Christmas.
The words of this beautiful Christmas song were written by Margaret Rose, and the music by Michael Head.
Someone to enlighten our darkness
Someone to help in our distress
Someone whose presence warms on coldest nights
Walking close beside us on our Journey
Thoughts on the Birth of Christ from St. John Chrysostom --
The gift of Christmas in all the elements of the gift-wrapping and packaging of Bethlehem in Judea, in fulfilment of ancient prophecy. -- 'born this day a Saviour Who is Christ - the Lord!'
Epiphany! - The Light of Christ dawns on the whole world, every nation, every person.
We never know, can never fathom fully, the lasting power of our actions, the staying power of our words - even one little sentence, one little phrase; one little word.
The photo is from the Albert and Victoria Museum in London, England.
I've been thinking about how, in John 12 - when the Greeks come and say: 'Sir, we would see Jesus' - that that starts the time-clock of our Saviour moving deliberately towards the Cross.
A Lenten Resource: The Journey
What can I bring Him – poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a Lamb, If I were a wise-man, I would do my part; Yet what I
Hebrews 2:11 – “Both the one who makes mankind holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
Year ago now, British author Dorothy Sayers wrote a murder mystery of this title - 'Whose Body?'. That title helps us also, to explore the doctrine of the incarnation.
Christmas Eve draws near and with it, for me at least, come memories of the years when as family we gathered in anticipation of the coming glorious Morn - of Christmas Day.
Click on picture/movie and listen as you read.
Poets’, preachers’ letters, words —
Strong and weak, inspire to share,
Dull shepherds, mighty angels’ chantry:
Stories lift like birds in air.
Real worth is found in the Babe of Bethlehem, in the Christ of Glory!
Prudentius Clemens Aurelius lived between 348 and 410 AD. A lawyer by training he was for many years employed in the civil service of Spain.
Sometimes, somehow, despite the business of the Season, there can be a strange calm that settles upon us, even upon us last-minute, late-evening shoppers.
I love all the Christmas music -- the cantatas, the carols. I also really like some old Christmas poems. Here’s one by Christopher Fry” -
In many cold climes Advent days are short and cold.
They say one can never really go home again - that to go home is to find that all has changed, that everything has become very different from how you remember it.
John 1:11 - "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him."
We are always thrilled to hear of the birth of the baby. Conflicting emotions of joy and sorrow well up within.
God told Job that at the creation of the world "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy."
Our planet is but a small spec in a galaxy which is itself part of billions of stars and planets. And yes, from a distance it seems so beautiful, so ordered, peaceful and calm.
Is there a more poignant and powerful carol than: ‘Joy to the World’ ? Well actually, I love them all, all the carols.
I like the fact that Christians 'keep score' and 'tell time' in another way besides the usual bottom line(s) of life and the mere chronology of the passing hours and days.