
There are times when we feel really good about life and times when we don’t, times when we feel strong in faith and times when we don’t.

ancient church window, Scotland

Those of Jesus' followers who have gone “beyond evangelical” have moved on from the early 20th-century fundamentalism vs. modernism debate that our forefathers passionately fought . . .

Loving ourselves at the expense of loving others is contrary to the heart of the Gospel.
Road near the Rift Valley, Kenya

Who would have thought that such quick and steep descent into raw evil could have happened, as it has happned in Kenya just a few years ago during a national election.

Danger and Adventure

Lake Ontario and sailboats

Danger high-lites the paradoxical nature of good and evil. To attempt anything is to risk; to get up in the morning is to tempt Providence, though God's mercies are new each morning.

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