
Easter Window

A prayer for Easter Morning and for each day after, as Easter People. Join me in prayer.

The nature of God is Being.

statue in cloister, Iona Abbey

O Trinity of Love,
you have been with us at the world’s beginning;
be with us till the world’s end.
You have been with us at our life’s shaping;

Celtic Cross Eye

This, in sermon form, is an attempt to catch some insight into the Christian doctrine of 'the Trinity.'

Of Shamrocks and Things

John 14:1- 14


3-pot fountain

And from God's bounty we all receive . . .


Three pots arranged as a waterfall fountain: restaurant, Nairobi, Kenya

Holy Trinity

Trinity symbol in stone

Praise God from Whom all blessings flowPraise Him, all creatures here belowPraise Him above, you heavenly hosts,Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


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