I like the fact that Christians 'keep score' and 'tell time' in another way besides the usual bottom line(s) of life and the mere chronology of the passing hours and days.
So why a rooster, the first Sunday of Advent?!
Advent is a Season of waiting. Christians begin a new wait (not a wake, though we should come awake) each year, as the Christian Calendar commences it's own season passings.
I survive another November, my least favourite month of the year, and my spirit skips and my heart begins to lean, as in childhood years, towards the coming of Christmas.
Recently I saw an interview of a young family - a mom and a dad and a little girl of four or five years of age, refugees recently escaped, exiles of war-torn Syria living now with us in the GTA.
The 'modern age' assumed that we could control, predict and pressure into conformity all that we wanted to be and to do, pressing foward as we have been toward preferred outcomes for the life, meas