I survive another November, my least favourite month of the year, and my spirit skips and my heart begins to lean, as in childhood years, towards the coming of Christmas.
I discovered ‘Advent’ later than in my younger years, and I love the way that too spreads out the joy of waiting, preparing, savouring and anticipating the Saviour, once more.
O I know, it all starts too early each year, with shops and malls harking herald angels even as they hawk their wares, trying to seduce us into buying more and more, while half the world hungers and struggles to eke out even an impoverished life.
The blessings we take for granted fall as freely and copiously as that kind of snow that gently hugs and tickles the nose on a still, late afternoon, December day.
I try to balance the joys and even the anticipation of gifts in a sharing with family and friends and, God-help-me, with the wider world – in acts of giving that started in the supreme Gift of God’s Love to us, in Christ.
Gently falling snow takes me back, yes, but also surrounds me each new day in the flurries of life, but in anticipation too of the Kingdom Jesus talked so much about – the God’s-Way purposes that only can bring fully the shalom we desire.
Hmmm. Prince of Peace.
We want the peace. I’m not sure we want the Prince. Too much change required, we fear. Maybe so; but what are we missing when we don't turn heavenward in the blizzard of God's grace?
For there will be no shalom, no final Hope nor true Joy without His Lordship in our lives, in our world.
And His Love, too – falling still apon us as snow flakes spread abroad.