
I Wonder
There's got to be another way.
The Lord's Supper

God so loved the world (cosmos)...

A brief meditation on John 3: 16,17

How great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called the Children of God. And that is what we are...

See I John 3:1 - 3

Pilgrim in Rome

London England’s church, St. Martin’s in the Field, at one time had the following statements of belief on their website (not inclusive here): -

winter trail

The Lenten Season reminds us of all of those times when we know hardship and difficulty. It is a time in-between. We say, “in the meanwhile . .

I survive another November, my least favourite month of the year, and my spirit skips and my heart begins to lean, as in childhood years, towards the coming of Christmas.

The cold of winter comes to us and each year we are shocked just a little.

Two friends

Theologian Paul Tillich said that listening is the highest form of love. 

'Faith' - writes author Frederick Buechner, 'is the direction your feet start walking, when you know you are loved.'

Really, fear is selfishness. We are concerned too much about what others think of us – how am I doing? Will I fit in? Will they laugh at me? Will others see my failure and take pleasure in it?

Ready for bees: purple flowers

Birds do it . . . bees do it. And happily, humans too.

Community of Love: What on Earth?!
 St. Paul wrote the following to the Church at Ephesus (Ephesians 3:14-19) -

Celtic Cross at Communion

The Community of Love, the Church, experiences and expresses God's love, most fully revealed in Jesus of Nazareth.


small church entrance

This Sermon was preached by Dr. Laurie Barber at Kingsway Baptist Church, September 28, 2014.

This sermon, Community of Love: How Wide? was preached by Dr. Barber at Kingsway Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, on the 21t of September of 2014.

Carnations and Old Stairs

Mark 10:21. Jesus looked at 'the rich young ruler' -- and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

bas relief, Pieta, Tyndale Seminary Chapel

Life's autumn falls, dark memories too,
We long to hold the life we knew;
The love, the face we treasured, gone
And death now silences the home.

He Knows My Name

Teddy Bears with names on frocks

This display at a Fall Fair reminded me, contrary to the similarities of mass production, of the uniqueness of each one of us, fashioned by the Creator who not only knew us but loved us, uniquely -

The Good News or The Gospel or Godspel is what changes folk, what can change the world. It guides, shelters, helps and keeps us.

two women helping a soldier

As we journey, we will encounter all kinds of evill, hate and opposition. Some of it happens to us; some of it, sadly, we may help to create.

Mahatma Ghandi

Though a Hindu, Mahtama Ghandi was a great admirer of Jesus. He wished, though that those who called themselves Christians would live more like the Christ whom they claimed to worship and serve.

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