Community of Love - How Wide?

A Sermon Podcast


This sermon, Community of Love: How Wide? was preached by Dr. Barber at Kingsway Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, on the 21t of September of 2014.

The message focuses on the question of 'how wide is the love of God as expressed in and by 'the Community of Love' - the Church?' It reveals how 'mission' today is not primariy or only about some places far away but where believers are to share in places all around us. Followers of Jesus seek to 'raise the spiritual temperature' wherever they are, wherever they go.

We gather in churches to share and celebrate such love; but then we also scatter into our neighbourhoods, homes and workplaces - and many other locales as well, there also to share and to celebrate such love. We do so in word and deed: we show and tell the Good News.

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