About You & Me

'The problem with life is that its so daily,' said Wood Allen once. Another problem - if it is that, is that life is very short.

In light of the present Corona Virus, I offer this short video in the hope it may give some perspective, help and hope to those who see it.

Man writing by candle light

A movie based on James 2: 1 - 12  (The New Testament, NIV)

Sparks in darkness

All of one, all of a piece
Different, and somehow one in same
Another day, ev'ning to follow
Another day, for good or ill.

How great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called the Children of God. And that is what we are...

See I John 3:1 - 3

A depiction of the truths, encouragements and warnings of the first Psalm.

We can have it all and not feel happy or that our purpose in life has been achieved. Success is only for a moment - a whisp of time, fleeting and passing.

Passion and power are linked to purpose – to knowing where you’re going; knowing what you want to do, are supposed to do.

God in the details, God in the grand,

God in the mystery, God in the sand;

God of the large and God of the small,

Micro and macro, telling it all.


A narrated video describing the captivity and release of ancient Israel from the Egyptians, but their subsequent 40 year wandering in the wilderness between the place of bondage and the Land of Pro

They say one can never really go home again - that to go home is to find that all has changed, that everything has become very different from how you remember it.

We are always thrilled to hear of the birth of the baby. Conflicting emotions of joy and sorrow well up within.

Activate the movie (right) as you read the text.

The Jews believe they were God's special people.

Identity and personality are important aspects of self-discovery and enhancement. But where and how does that happen?

African sun

Recently archaeologists in South Africa discovered early hominid fossils. The find is in a cave whose entrance upon is technically challenging.

Scotch thistles

From the Bible's Genesis account we discover not only God's creation but also how God has planned for our lives to be lived, so that we flourish as human beings.

Toronto skyline from tall ship Kajama

A few years ago, Jane and I went with another couple to share a short voyage on the tall ship, Kajama, which is docked and sails out and about Toronto Harbour.

apple blossoms

The Text for my thoughts is Ecclesiastes 11:5: As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all thin

This sermon, Community of Love: How Wide? was preached by Dr. Barber at Kingsway Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, on the 21t of September of 2014.

a field of grain
The Seed of the Woman - Genesis 3:14f - Garden of Eden - So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the
Toronto Ferry

Martin Luther and the reformers recovered the Bible's teaching concerning the priesthood of every believer.

Martin Luther and the Reformers recovered the Bible’s teaching concerning the priesthood of every believer, so that each Christ-apprentice in each and every aspect of li

Dove  Window, the Vatican

How is this new clan and community - called the Church, to be part of God's answer, in Christ? Here's the response of St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesian Church:

1. The Issue of Guilt –In the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die . . .

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