Martin Luther and the reformers recovered the Bible's teaching concerning the priesthood of every believer. Thus, each Christ-apprentice in each and every aspect of life, whatever their vocation wherever lived, can be said to be a minister of the Gospel. Further biblical reflection reveals that while each believer indeed is to be 'a minister’ each one is also to be ‘a missioner’ for every disciple has been called into the Missio Dei (God’s Mission).
God calls out a People, a universal and also a local congregated body. To this (the universal Church and each local church) every Jesus-follower is called. Individually and together believers join in the Mission to announce and to show forth the already-present Rule of God. Believers are to erect signposts that reveal and point to both the presence and the future of God’s Rule (the Kingdom of God). We look for a coming full manifestation of God’s Rule on planet Earth when Heaven and Earth are completely in synch, in God’s Rule and Purposes.
God so loved the world, 'the cosmos,' that he sent his Son. God is on mission and is calling persons to join as God’s People in the task of the Reclamation of this planet. That is what He is about and what He made possible in the Victory of Christ who in His Person and Work accomplished what no other could, whether Israel or the Church. But as we join in unfeigned faith and honesty we join in what God is doing in bringing back to God's self and purpose, this planet, comprised of people, places and things.
Missional priests, bridges of God - of God to our neighbour and of our neighbour to God, respond to God’s call to join in this awesome task and responsibility. God’s Spirit enables us to do what we could only stand by, perplexed and unable. Through God Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the missional priests who comprise His People, the Church, we enter fully and fruitfully into the tasks before us, in all our spheres of responsibility and activity, day by day, daring as we take up our vocations, each one and together, to say: TGIM! Thank God it’s Monday!'