A Poem of Faith
God in the details, God in the grand,
God in the mystery, God in the sand;
God of the large and God of the small,
Micro and macro, telling it all.
Simple each grain of silicon white,
Traveling vast storehouses, stars in the night;
Sharp rays of sunshine burning so fine
So moon-faced the mirrored reflection can shine.
Creation, all worlds, so compelling the sights
Urges our science and keen techno-flights;
Drawing us heavenward but Heaven still bends,
Stoops to each failure, ever descends.
Creates all vast beauties, restores our lost dreams,
Casts forth a faith that on Christ ever leans;
Comes to our weakness still as we need,
For changing the heart and the earth is God’s deed.
-- L. Barber Christmas, 2016