About the World


The Seasons roll around. I’m thinking here of Spring - with all its promise, wonder and glory.


Original Music: Pensée - Laurie Barber

Tóchar Studios - Toronto, Canada

In light of the present Corona Virus, I offer this short video in the hope it may give some perspective, help and hope to those who see it.


We are ever grateful for the sacrifices made to combat Evil in all the ways it is manifest in our broken world.

Spreading Tree

Trees are a gift to the planet. And more: they are absolutely essential for life.

They stand among us and around us in sheer, wondrous grandeur.

Morning Dew on Grasses

We are all inspired at times. By someone. By something.

misty forest

Inspired by the music of my friend, Emil G. of Salt Spring Studios, the following poem came to me  - and the beautiful images from StoryBlocks. I hope it inspires you too.

garbage truck and man loading

Garbage Day is part of the routine for most of us in the First World. We're fortunate we can discard it... out of sight, our of mind...

Sunrise through trees

We take it for granted, but really, there's no guarantee that we will get up on any given morning. Each day, every morning's dawning, is sheer gift — a resurrection.

I love the kind of simplicity and clarity that is evident in the following.

The Lord's Supper

God so loved the world (cosmos)...

A brief meditation on John 3: 16,17

trees silhouette - sunset

Martin Rees writes - Black holes are simpler than forests and science has its limits.

The seasons come 'round and Winter crowds in to take its share of the year. it's an awesome time, with both beauty and challenge.

Soldiers Graves

War is Hell. There are no winners. And few in this world ever remain untouched by its indignities, subtractions and horrors.

There’s something about being in ‘the great outdoors,' in the cathedrals of the forest, immersed in the speading scenes and vast vistas.

Water lapping at rocky shore

Here's a (just under) 17 minute video that depicts the seven days of Creation as described in Genesis 1, 2: 1-3.

Whew! What a wonderful world!

Goat in forest

The sixth day of Creation on which are created animals and humans, with a mandate for the latter to be stewards of it all.

school of fish

The fifth day of creation on which are populated the seas and the skies with all manner of fish and sea creatures and birds, respectively.

sun and planet

The Fourth Day of Creation in video form.

The sun and moon are created and hung like spotlight and mirrored chandelier in the vaulted roof of the cosmos.

Seashore  rocks

The third day of creation, as described in Genesis - the first book of the Bible (1:9-13), in which the land is separated from the sea and plants -- herbs and grasses and fruit trees, begin to flou

Sea and Sky

The second day of creation as described in Genesis 1:6-8.

Big Bang Flash

A video portrayal of Genesis 1:1-4 - the Creation.

Lake scene

"The earth is the Lord's... Psalm 24:1

We belong to the One who created us. And we are privileged to be stewards of all creation (not that we've been very good at it).


Getting up and getting to it every day can often seem like a chore in itself, something not relished some mornings.

Before his untimely death a few years ago, Irish writer and philosopher John O’Donohue wrote a book entitled ‘Divine Beauty.’ In his opening chapter he said something very true, that I’d not consid

This video - 'The Short Film' was created by Louie Schwartzberg.

The old song encourages us: - 'Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining  . . .'

parish window stained glass

I love the hobby of stained-glass making and I have pursued it on occasion.

I survive another November, my least favourite month of the year, and my spirit skips and my heart begins to lean, as in childhood years, towards the coming of Christmas.

The wonder and curiosity of a child. — May we never lose it.

There’s so much ‘out there’ to see, to examine and explore, at which to marvel -

and give thanks.

lion at Masai Mara

God’s Presence and Power is very near and He is setting to right people, places and things.


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