We Remember

A Tribute to the Fallen


War is Hell. There are no winners. And few in this world ever remain untouched by its indignities, subtractions and horrors.

People and territories are blasted and all that are left remain bereft of so much that could have been.

We grieve with those who grieve. And we must help those who serve and return to us to rebuild, in every way possible.

The promise of a peaceable Kingdom seems beyond us; we need the Prince of Peace,  a Saviour. But it seems that most of us want the Peace without the Prince and so it cannot be.

I don't think it will always be this way; but for now we remember. And as best we can, in God's Name...

... We wage peace.



Canadian Veteran clips: Creative Commons Usage

Most of the photos of graves were taken at Woodland Cemetery's 'Field of Honour' in Hamilton, Ontario. The cemetary is adjacent to Burlington, ON, on the north side of Burlington Bay, near the Royal Botanical Gardens.

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