
How to be Mysteriously and Wonderfully Free


Apparently, teleportation has been a reality in the lab for about twenty years. It’s not that an  object -- say a proton, is acually transferred, but its ‘quantum footprint’ is. The phenomenon can also be called ‘telephresis.'
It happens through a mysterious interaction of subatomic particles, something physicists call ‘entanglement.’ The particles’ position, speed and spin are somehow linked and it happens regardless of distance between them in space/time. A mystery. Scientists don’t yet understand why - only that it happens. The connectedness cannot yet be explained.
We too are ‘entangled’ in the universe - with one another and with the creation itself, entangled with folk we don’t know and with history: times before our birth and in a future yet to come. Perhaps when we dream - and it seems real (‘It was just like I was there!’), we were in fact somehow actually connected, resonating, entangled, in the actual experience of one of our forebearers or someone else in the world, perhaps with someone yet unborn. Science fiction? Fantasy? or Reality?
Stretching across space and throughout time, we all - as a human race, are interconnected. Though we are many, we are all one. Scientists now tell us this; so does the Bible. We are response-ably called to love God, ourselves and our neighbours on this planet. it makes a difference when we do, and when we don't. Our own pain or welbeing, and that of others, is affected. We cannot avoid our own and others' actions, actions begin with thoughts and decisions, or non-decisions. We're all affected; we affect others - together. The ‘butterfly’ affect is also a human-affect.
We share both the misery and the tragedy, and the victories and the advances on planet earth - and perhaps with others created beings and other places still undiscovered, throughout the universe.
Says the Bible, when one sinned, we all sinned. But also, when One was obedient, the grace-door opened for any one of us now to also obey. What was lacking is now made possible, even has been completed on our behalf. And, while the former brought death and destruction and misery to our world, the latter brings life and hope, mercy and fresh start. We are connected to the former by birth and to the latter by New  Birth.
What a wonderful new entanglement is this: - that frees us from the binding of the first.

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