
The Irish, since the times of the ancient Celts of that green land, have cherished the idea of ‘thin spots’ - believing, that though the Almighty is always near, there are times and places when tha

'The problem with life is that its so daily,' said Wood Allen once. Another problem - if it is that, is that life is very short.

Morning Dew on Grasses

We are all inspired at times. By someone. By something.

There is a God who hears, understands, responds and sustains. If we seek God we will find Him.
Toronto from the water
No reason why Reepicheep can't visit Toronto as well.
Sunrise through trees

We take it for granted, but really, there's no guarantee that we will get up on any given morning. Each day, every morning's dawning, is sheer gift — a resurrection.

open Bible

A movie roughly based on Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd.... with score written by Laurie Barber using Logic Pro X, Eric Whitacre choral voicings, and violin.

Creche, Nativity Scene

Someone to enlighten our darkness
Someone to help in our distress
Someone whose presence warms on coldest nights
Walking close beside us on our Journey

The Lord's Supper

God so loved the world (cosmos)...

A brief meditation on John 3: 16,17

Writing in the Washington Post, March 8, 2018, Sarah Pulliam Bailey introduces -- and may re-introduce to many, the Christian author Madeline L’Engle who apparently managed through the years by her

Caring hands

God's description of fasting in Isaiah 58 is not about things we might want to stop doing, but about things we ought to start doing -- during Lent, and always.

How great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called the Children of God. And that is what we are...

See I John 3:1 - 3

Through the seasons and through the years, God proves God's Self faithful to those who trust Him, and carries, sustains and forgives even when we find ourselves struggling to believe, to trust and

church and alps and sky

A personal prayer using words adopted (and adapted) from Psalm 36.

There’s something about being in ‘the great outdoors,' in the cathedrals of the forest, immersed in the speading scenes and vast vistas.

We have so much for which to thank our God.

Thanksgiving could be thanks-living, each and every day.

Knowledge is great, but what to do with it? We need wisdom - but where to find it?

Knowing God and God's perspective on our world and on our lives is key.

We join in worship, angels 'round the Throne
To worship Him whose death made us His own
With elders, saints and martyrs in that Room -

Weed, Wild Carrot

The Psalmist (103: 15-18) speaks of the brevity of life but also of the promise of God's covenant love and mercy - a prompt to those who wisely determine to trust and obey the Lord.

sun peering over earth's surface

St. John's Prologue to his Gospel record is the depiction of new creation that not only harkens back to the original Creation but also shows God's new creating work - once again through Jesus.

A depiction of the truths, encouragements and warnings of the first Psalm.

A movie - VERY loosely based on the New Testament story: 'The Prodigal.'

Water lapping at rocky shore

Here's a (just under) 17 minute video that depicts the seven days of Creation as described in Genesis 1, 2: 1-3.

Whew! What a wonderful world!

Goat in forest

The sixth day of Creation on which are created animals and humans, with a mandate for the latter to be stewards of it all.

school of fish

The fifth day of creation on which are populated the seas and the skies with all manner of fish and sea creatures and birds, respectively.

sun and planet

The Fourth Day of Creation in video form.

The sun and moon are created and hung like spotlight and mirrored chandelier in the vaulted roof of the cosmos.

Seashore  rocks

The third day of creation, as described in Genesis - the first book of the Bible (1:9-13), in which the land is separated from the sea and plants -- herbs and grasses and fruit trees, begin to flou

Sea and Sky

The second day of creation as described in Genesis 1:6-8.


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