A video portrayal of Genesis 1:1-4 - the Creation.
"The earth is the Lord's... Psalm 24:1
We belong to the One who created us. And we are privileged to be stewards of all creation (not that we've been very good at it).
Getting up and getting to it every day can often seem like a chore in itself, something not relished some mornings.
Psalm 42 describes the longing - and the memories of satisfaction known in the past, for God moments.
So my father's oldest sister, the only sibling remaining, is celebrating her 102nd birthday in this month of April in the year of our Lord - two thousand and seventeen.
We love God who first loved us.
The psalmist encourages the people of God to (Psalm 37:4) 'take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.'
I start with the assumption that there is a God. I don’t have enough faith to think otherwise.
The Christ has died, reversed the flow
Of history, time and weal and woe;
The crimson tide that spreads its store
Has brought its cleansing to our shore.
Some thoughts from a rec room chair, on my birthday this year.
So many good gifts each morning come down
Gifts, good and perfect, for us to spread ‘round
Both memories and present realities may flood our minds, or simply come and go from time to time.
My time in training for Christian ministry in study for a Master of Divinity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, overlapped with Tim Keller, who has been a very able and respected pastor and au
Before his untimely death a few years ago, Irish writer and philosopher John O’Donohue wrote a book entitled ‘Divine Beauty.’ In his opening chapter he said something very true, that I’d not consid
The 'fruits' of one's life are on public display. We can discern to some degree the heart of an individual by what they say and do.
In a day when I feel within such angst, anger and uncertainty, in a world that is so full of shifting tides and unsettling seasons - of injustice, fear and fear-mongering, false witness and 'altern
In our everyday, but especially in some of the most taxing and excruciating times and experiences of life, there is One who is Present, who cares, leading and guiding, nourishing and providing - wi
The old song encourages us: - 'Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining . . .'
Faith can be warm and even fervent. It’s not how much you have but whether it actually connects you to the Source of all comfort, the Ground of all being.
So, God meets us (we are told) in the midst of life. Comes to any one of us, young or old, rich or poor, busy and unconcerned or not.
Hebrews 2:11 – “Both the one who makes mankind holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
We’ve entered a new day, perhaps a new month and even a new year.
Year ago now, British author Dorothy Sayers wrote a murder mystery of this title - 'Whose Body?'. That title helps us also, to explore the doctrine of the incarnation.
Recently I was reading an article about the video games that came out in 2016. Writes the author, "My favorite games did exactly what this year did: they took away control.
A narrated video describing the captivity and release of ancient Israel from the Egyptians, but their subsequent 40 year wandering in the wilderness between the place of bondage and the Land of Pro
Oh does it?! - and do they?! . . . Hmmm.
I think that every person – their presence, their uniqueness, their face and body, their giftedness, the contribution of their life – says something about God, the God who created each one of us.
I've been thinking about God and how God can be known in the world, in His creation, in how God orders and sustains the universe.
Is there a more poignant and powerful carol than: ‘Joy to the World’ ? Well actually, I love them all, all the carols.