Does Belief in God Make Sense?

One Man's Case for Christian Faith


My time in training for Christian ministry in study for a Master of Divinity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, overlapped with Tim Keller, who has been a very able and respected pastor and author in New York City, for many years.

Tim gave a talk at 'Google', in October 2016. There, he introduced his book Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical.

You may find this video helpful as a Christian believer, or as one thinking about what it means to be such a person of faith - or even if you think and feel you have lots of reasons for rejecting any faith, including Christianity.

He sets forth his case for Christian faith in this video in the first 35 minutes, and there follows a 20 minutes question and answer period.

Actually, Keller had already spoken to what may have been a largely 'secular' audience (viz. at 'Google') in March of 2008 where he presented and made comments based on his then newly- released book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.

I commend both the books and this video for your consideration.

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