Every year it strikes me anew how in practically every instance when the resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples they do not recognize that it is He who is alive and well and present with them.
The Emmaus two, though their hearts burn within as he shares with them about Himself on the way, a rehearsal of the Scriptures of all that spoke of Himself, only recognize Him as He breaks bread and blesses it, sitting with them in the quiet hospitality of an early evening in their home.
Have you opened the door to Christ in the intimacy of your own heart and home?
Mary Magdalene, who is so loved and known by the Saviour, and with whom He seems to have had a special bond (without admitting any of the nonsense in such books as The Da Vinci Code), also fails to recognize Him. She thinks at first – looking up into the light of the tomb entrance through her tears, that it is only the gardener. And indeed it was – the Gardener, Creator and Sustainer of the earth. He calls her name – ‘Mary’ and she instantly knows that it is He.
Has Jesus called your name?
The Disciples, too, in the Upper Room scarcely believe that it is Jesus again before them, moving in, suddenly appearing, ghost-like in their presence. But with a little food, he eats and displays that He is alive again, wounds and all - into which precious scars the absent, doubting Thomas will one week later press his own hands, and be overwhelmed in faith and worship.
Have you encountered the risen Lord despite all the implausibility and your own doubts and fears?
Peter went back fishing. Even though he had seen the resurrected Lord, been with the disciples in the upper room, he can’t believe that Jesus would have anything further, really, to do with him, anything new now, for his action and bidding. He’d failed, miserably, denying his Lord, fleeing with the others when his fear overcame his love, just as earlier (O, what great promise he’d shown) he’d sunk beneath the waves when reality had seeped into his conscious. For by faith he’d walked on water – but one can’t walk on water (!) after all. He can’t honestly believe that God can forgive such miserable failure and denial.
But Jesus waited till Peter had caught nothing, expert fisher that he was, and directed him to try again on the other side of the boat – as if fish couldn’t swim to and fro beneath the heaving hulk. And suddenly there were more fish than Peter and his colleagues knew what to do with. ‘It is the Lord' – He knew instantly, casting his garments aside and swimming naked to the shore
(Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling; naked come to Thee for dress; helpless look to Thee for grace . . .).
And very soon Peter is restored completely in the love and service of the Master – commissioned for the impossibilities of the Christian life to which each of us is called.
Have you cast aside everything and made your way to Jesus?
And – I wonder how many times I have failed to see evidence of the Presence of the living Christ in the everydayness of my every day.