In a worship service I attended, we came to the time for the reading of the Scripture.
An old hymn whose truths are ever new.
‘The Church’s One Foundation’ - S. J. Stone 1866 -
Public Domain Tune: Aurelia
Writing in the Washington Post, March 8, 2018, Sarah Pulliam Bailey introduces -- and may re-introduce to many, the Christian author Madeline L’Engle who apparently managed through the years by her
The Church celebrates Epiphany on January 6th of each year.
Every year it strikes me anew how in practically every instance when the resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples they do not recognize that it is He who is alive and well and present with them.
A prayer for Easter Morning and for each day after, as Easter People. Join me in prayer.
The number 40 seems to play a significant and symbolic role in Scripture. One can read too much into numbers (viz.
In many ways, in Lent we are living in a time in-between. And it’s a ‘mean-while.’
A Lenten Resource: The Journey
The Lenten Season reminds us of all of those times when we know hardship and difficulty. It is a time in-between. We say, “in the meanwhile . .
It was difficult at first for God’s People who were accepting Jesus as the promised and hoped-for Messiah to allow that perhaps He too was come for the deliverance of the whole world.
What can I bring Him – poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a Lamb, If I were a wise-man, I would do my part; Yet what I
For the Shepherds (if one may speculate and think of groups representatively), there is to be brought unique gift and purpose, as in the following:
Poets’, preachers’ letters, words —
Strong and weak, inspire to share,
Dull shepherds, mighty angels’ chantry:
Stories lift like birds in air.
I love all the Christmas music -- the cantatas, the carols. I also really like some old Christmas poems. Here’s one by Christopher Fry” -
Christmas by Candlelight: St. John's Prologue
I play for my own amazement (erm, amusement) and in wonder and joy at the Message of Christmas.
In many cold climes Advent days are short and cold.
God told Job that at the creation of the world "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy."
Our planet is but a small spec in a galaxy which is itself part of billions of stars and planets. And yes, from a distance it seems so beautiful, so ordered, peaceful and calm.
Is there a more poignant and powerful carol than: ‘Joy to the World’ ? Well actually, I love them all, all the carols.
I like the fact that Christians 'keep score' and 'tell time' in another way besides the usual bottom line(s) of life and the mere chronology of the passing hours and days.
So why a rooster, the first Sunday of Advent?!
Advent is a Season of waiting. Christians begin a new wait (not a wake, though we should come awake) each year, as the Christian Calendar commences it's own season passings.
Candy floss dreams that drop To pew ahead, behind. Sticking there unseen And closing hymn announced, Bumps along to Invitation.
The Body of Christ is comprised of all believers, each member an important part. And yet, we cannot function by ourselves. We need each other desparately.