Writing in the Washington Post, March 8, 2018, Sarah Pulliam Bailey introduces -- and may re-introduce to many, the Christian author Madeline L’Engle who apparently managed through the years by her writings to upset both liberal and conservative Christians, and her literary colleagues and friends, betimes as well.
Much in the article is helpful in giving prospective to the initial receptivity or concerns about L’Engle’s book, A Wrinkle in Time, both when it was first published in 1962 and in the context of its release as a Disney movie of the same name, this weekend in March.
In the article, Bailey quotes Madeline L’Engle’s grand-daughter Charlotte Jones Voilkis who co-authored a book about L'Engle called Becoming Madeleine.” Voiklis said her grandmother’s faith informed everything she wrote, including numerous books, plays and poems.
“She preferred scientific metaphors, and scientists to theologians, because she understood that science is more open to revelation than religion,” Voiklis said. “Religion divides us into teams.”
“Religion divides us into teams!”
And Voilkis is right in that assertion, sadly to say, with tens of thousands of varying Christian denominations lining up in North America to assert their convictions -- often stridently and with very little love, patience or humility ... supposedly about their understanding of Jesus and His way and will - and about the Good News He brought, and about how we should now live if we want to be faithful followers. They compete for our loyalty, affection and approach for shared pilgrimage of faith.
Jesus prayed that His followers be one. The real concern is that few Christians take that as any of their business or concern. Perhaps we can learn more about the why and how to do that, as non-team members, from scientists who focus on discovering, explaining and helping us to share in the wonder and delight of what’s going on in the micro and macro world of God's creation.
A different kind of wrinkle in our times.
But now, for Christ's sake and His Church: -- What to do about it?