
Every year it strikes me anew how in practically every instance when the resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples they do not recognize that it is He who is alive and well and present with them.

Holy Week reminds us of the death and resurrection of our Saviour.

You know the grace of our Lord Jesus, how that though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor – that we through His poverty might become rich. — St. Paul (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Lighthouse at Snug Harbour, Oakville, ON

The People that walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon them that live in the shadow of the valley of death, upon them has the light shone . . .

We know that there are certain realities in being missionaries.

lion at Masai Mara

God’s Presence and Power is very near and He is setting to right people, places and things.

yellow flowers

Everything in all creation is part of - and is to be subject to God’s purposes and plans.

Morning Light: The Wonder of a New Day

Morning Variegated Light on Trees

In the New Testament Book of Ephesians 2: 1 to 10, St.

Downtown Trenton, Ontario

Rural churches have always known that they cannot survive by themselves.

Who is My Neighbour?

Should I try to attract my neighbours to my church (building), through all kinds of 'seeker-friendly' schemes (which extract them from wher

Laurence Writing

I think I may have a book in me . . .

Try this interaction: - entering, attending, dwelling and listening . . .

- to and with your spouse, with a good friend

- to and with your Church or small group fellowship

Back to My Real World

A Winter Stream in Burlington, Ontario

After having lived in many places, Burlington Ontario, London Ontario, Toronto, Wenham MA, Gloucester MA, Uxbridge ON, Calgary Alberta, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, and Toronto again - I return at times

Loving ourselves at the expense of loving others is contrary to the heart of the Gospel.

In the Old Testament, 'Ichabod' was pronounced as meaning that the 'glory' (the 'Shekinah') and the revealed presence of God had departed from the experience of God's People.

Road near the Rift Valley, Kenya

Who would have thought that such quick and steep descent into raw evil could have happened, as it has happned in Kenya just a few years ago during a national election.

Turkey left-overs, cold potatoes and squash, tiny mince tarts, a glass of cranberry cocktail . . . a brief but pretty snow flurry - whispy cotton, gentle on the neighbour's recently new fence . .

I suppose one of my most vivid pre-school memories was of summer afternoon naps on a prickly picnic-blanket, under a spreading elm in our backyard in Burlington, under the sometime watchful eye and

There's something that happens, that deepens us, when we suffer.

Tyndale University Chapel, Toronto, ON

I wonder if there's a similarly of thought to ponder if one exchanges the word 'country' (in the following quote) for 'Kingdom.' Consider then the words of Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), as he

Church of SS Peter & Paul, Fressingfield, Suffolk, England

The oldest ancestor that I can link to directly was James Barber,  born in 1434 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England. My son’s name is ‘James (Arthur Gordon) Barber.

I’ve always been intrigued by pathways, by the Journey, by the wonder of what may be just around the corner. And I'm glad of musicians and poets who remind us of it.

winter sun at evening

I put out the following - not sure that I believe or endorse it, but because I want to consider it awhile; these thoughts and their implications for understanding, truthfulness, clarity, pati

Five Red Tulips

Every year a few scraggly tulips come up in our front garden. We never planted them. There was only one there our first spring, years ago now.

Small Presbyterian Church, Eden Mills, ON

Pauline ethics is fundamentally ecclesial in character for St. Paul sees the church as inheriting the corporate vocation of God's covenant people, Israel.

long winding path on isle of Iona.

Pilgrims walk together, or sometimes alone, sometimes pressed forward even pushed by those who are eager to get ahead. We all start on the road in the same way.

House under Construction

It's difficult for us Christians to actually live Christianly, incarnationally, seeking Kingdom values, trying to follow and work with Jesus in building community in our neighbourhood.

Room of planners with whiteboard

How can denominations and Christian leaders intentionally help local churches in their primary and privileged mission task of being with and working with Christ as He transforms neighbourhood

Our lives are coloured by various events that come, at least to me, like images, both stark and beautiful.

Moving On

border of Kenya and Tanzania

“Instead of long-term commitment, the postmodern self just moves on – to the next next show, to the next relationship.”


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