Dancing on the Waves
I’ve always been intrigued by pathways, by the Journey, by the wonder of what may be just around the corner. And I'm glad of musicians and poets who remind us of it.
Pop singer Christina Aquilera sees each of us as 'a miracle.' She sings that - angels stand watching over us and heaven shines upon us everyday.
Or, in one of Mahatma Ghandi's favorite hymns, the line: Set Thou my feet upon this path, And keep me steadfast in it . . .
The hymnwriter William Cowper, friend and co-labourer with John Newton in the parish of Olney, England, prayed for what I too, in my best moments, echo – O for a closer walk with God, a calm and heavenly frame; a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb! (public domain)