Given Our Heart's Desires

Not a Blank Cheque


The psalmist encourages the people of God to (Psalm 37:4) 'take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.'

I think that means that when we are seeking God and His purposes ('seek first the Kingdom!' is how Jesus put it), then we will have inner desires, received and placed within by God's indwelling Spirit, that become increasingly in-line, in-synch with His will and purposes. They may replace our former desires - even some normal, average human wants and 'needs' at times or for a season.

Certainly, they are intended to replace our evil desires, just as pouring new wine into a glass leaves no room for the old stagnant water.

God gives us the desires of our heart, yes - not meaning that now we can do what we bally-well please (and blame them on, or attribute them or to God). But God gives within perhaps ever incrasingly new desires, that spring from the realization and appreciation of His goodness and love.

It' a kind of resonance, linked to God's vision, passion and purposes. Thereby, we become more 'Christ-like,' say many New Testament authors.

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