We all want justice, but few of us want to be judged.
There's lots that's wrong with the world, as well as - well, the opposite, right?
Followers of Jesus have the potential of - through prayer, pulling into the created world and order of things, an even greater Real - of the fullness of Life in what Jesus called God's Kingdom.
Now here’s a thought: - God’s Presence in our lives can be known, appreciated and responded to, as we pay attention to all the various ways God speaks and shows God’s-Self to us, in our every day.
The Christian heresies spring from the fact that man does not take seriously the known ground of divine immanence in Jesus Christ, so that from its revelation, instead of apprehending Jesus Christ
Some musing about the 'big mess' that we sometimes find our world, and our own lives, to be in.
The nature of God is Being.
Just to be present feels like we’re not accomplishing anything at all. Think of a Funeral Home visitation with the bereaved who've lost a loved one who's life too you've known and shared.
Relationships take time. Experience on experience, Days to months to years.
Investing, spending, building, growing, Some relationships become primary. Perhaps we’re not looking.
Sometimes it's good just to take a few moments, to pause and consider again the goodness of God in the beauty of creation around us.
I love the amazing wonders of creation. The mind boggles and the heart is expanded. With the Psalmist we exclaim, 'Such knowledge is all too wonderful to me!' Psalm 139:6
Christians believe that Jesus Christ was and is the fullest expression that we can know of God. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus.
Emerson Fosdick said often that his primary task was not as a preacher...he did not see himself as a preacher but as a counsellor. And he said, through all of his experience he discovered that men
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The Holy One never sleeps. His mercies are refreshed each day.
Each and every morning, by sheer grace we rise to face the day.
“The created universe is the fountain fullness of God’s expressed being. As God is expressed in creation, creation in turn expresses the Creator.”
- St. Bonaventure
If you want to play a little game, you can find out both natural responses and spiritual gifting – perhaps just a little hint towards discerning them . . .
"Theology is nothing more than the Holy Spirit making His way through our brains, as the Scriptures make their way through our hearts."
The hymn writer William Cowper allowed that ‘God moves in a mysterous way, His wonders to perform.’ The doctrine of providence speaks of 'divinely ordained events and outcomes.’
It's easy to despair. We all do at times. The world seems to be in such a mess; things constantly go wrong. It's difficult to see that there's any plan or purpose, any rhyme or reason.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
". . . the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!
Holy spirit, life that gives life,moving all things,rooted in all beings;you cleanse all things of impurity,wiping away sins,and anointing wounds,this is radiant, laudable life,awakening and re-awa
God of the galaxies, greatness and power
God of the child-like, sparrow and flower;
Stoop to our weakness, we are so small
God Who can strengthen, help us stand tall.
Whenever we ask Who and What is God? Who and What is He like? - the first answer that Scripture gives seems to be: 'Look at what I’ve made! Look at the Creation!’
We listen to God, we hear God speak, through Scripture, by prayer and by attending (listening) to our life.
No one, of course, knows the future: – what is ahead for our own selves, for our familes, for our nation, and for our world, in the coming days and months of this New Year.