God of the Galaxies
God of the galaxies, greatness and power
God of the child-like, sparrow and flower;
Stoop to our weakness, we are so small
God Who can strengthen, help us stand tall.
God of all goodness, blessings and care
God Who keeps giving, the God Who is there;
Speak to us words we need as our bread
God Who gives water, as we are led.
God Who will guard us ‘gainst all who would harm
God Who will guide us through danger and storm;
Send what we need to challenge our guile
God of the Son-shine, spread forth Your smile.
God Who is greater than all other gods
God Who is grander than all other lauds;
Show us Your grace to quicken our faith
God, rich in mercy, in You we are safe.
L. Barber, February 2016