
Old Church Window
In a worship service I attended, we came to the time for the reading of the Scripture.

One Foundation

An old hymn whose truths are ever new.


‘The Church’s One Foundation’ - S. J. Stone 1866 -     

Public Domain   Tune: Aurelia

misty forest

Inspired by the music of my friend, Emil G. of Salt Spring Studios, the following poem came to me  - and the beautiful images from StoryBlocks. I hope it inspires you too.

We join in worship, angels 'round the Throne
To worship Him whose death made us His own
With elders, saints and martyrs in that Room -

winter fence and white sun

What can I bring Him – poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a Lamb, If I were a wise-man, I would do my part; Yet what I

Statue of Jesus in Rome

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace.
God became man, the Word was made flesh.
Christ was born of a Virgin. Christ suffered. Christ was crucified.

Christ, St. Mungo’s Cathedral, Glasgow, Scotland

Prudentius Clemens Aurelius lived between 348 and 410 AD. A lawyer by training he was for many years employed in the civil service of Spain.

The Holy One never sleeps. His mercies are refreshed each day.

Each and every morning, by sheer grace we rise to face the day.

blue flower

The hymnwriter Joseph Addison (1672-1719) wrote in The Spectator, London, issue 453, on August 9th, 1712. An essay had been delivered on 'gratitude' and the hymn followed.


God of the galaxies, greatness and power
God of the child-like, sparrow and flower;
Stoop to our weakness, we are so small
God Who can strengthen, help us stand tall.

Congregation at Kingsway Baptist Church, Etobicoke, ON

For roughly two two years (February 2014 - April 2016) I had the privilege of preaching on a part-time basis (because I'm really retired, you see), at Kingsway Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario.

hand and child

Deep within our historySwelling with the mysteryBreaking forth th' audacious Love of God

Entering that mysteryMaking it our storyHoping in th' audacious Love of God

Last Supper

What happens when we meet together, and with our Lord, at the feast of Communion?

Jesus frescoe

When I was growing up, after supper Dad would say: ‘Get the Book.’ And then we’d pray.

purple flowers

God of the galaxies, great and beyond,
God of wee seeds and sparrows so small,
Above and below, between and among: --
All praise to You.

cross ornament
1. Plan well ahead. To do it right, or better, you'll need more preparation time.
Priest entering church in Rome

No one is born there. Everyone must choose to go there, the religious and the non-religious.

Scottsdale dusk

God of the galaxies, great and beyond,

Ballinatone Church of Ireland, Co Wicklow

Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture and Worship

Christ frescoe: Chora Church, Istanbul

Have we lost the wonder, the Mystery that is God?

Celtic cross at night, Iona

Holy Week reminds us of the death and resurrection of our Saviour.

Iona Monastery, Scotland

Celtic Christian Spirituality, a book by Oliver Davies and Fiona Bowe that I picked up during last year’s visit to the Iona Community in Scotland, continues to speak to my soul.

Windows to Heaven

purple stained glass window

Just feel like giving thanks and praising my Lord, today.

And I think about the helps that are given for those of us who want to do so.

Stained Glass

Worth and majesty!” – sing to Jesus! He the King of Kings our Lord,
Freely gives to souls sore wounded, life abundant by His Word;

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