Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of Life and Love


If you want to play a little game, you can find out both natural responses and spiritual gifting – perhaps just a little hint towards discerning them . . .

Take a group of people – 5 or 6, maybe. Gather them in a room – and then knock a pitcher of milk unto the floor, as if it were an accident. (That is, don’t let them see you do it deliberately.) And then watch and listen to the various gift emerge.

Some one will quickly run for mop or towels; perhaps they have the gift of helps. Someone will be quick to point out your carelessness; perhaps they have a gift of prophecy, which tells what should happen, and if you did this or that, this or that will happen as retribution or reward.

Someone shows mercy, because they think you’re getting chewed out too much, and it really wasn’t your fault – or if it was, you still deserve to have an opportunity for confession, forgiveness and restitution. Someone else, perhaps with the gift of stewardship, offers to replace the broken jug with a new one. And to get a new container of 2% milk.

And so on . . .

All the differences in who we are, what we have, how we think and respond, all of these contribute uniquely to what and how and when we ourselves will show and tell the Gospel.

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