A Hymn - a Prayer for the Holy Spirit to come and bring fresh renewal to God's People and through them to the world.
The 'fruits' of one's life are on public display. We can discern to some degree the heart of an individual by what they say and do.
In a day when I feel within such angst, anger and uncertainty, in a world that is so full of shifting tides and unsettling seasons - of injustice, fear and fear-mongering, false witness and 'altern
Might this mean that some who think they are doing theology, aren't? - not really doing it unless it's true Scripture-mining that is led and enabled by God's Spirit.
Emerson Fosdick said often that his primary task was not as a preacher...he did not see himself as a preacher but as a counsellor. And he said, through all of his experience he discovered that men
If you want to play a little game, you can find out both natural responses and spiritual gifting – perhaps just a little hint towards discerning them . . .
Holy spirit, life that gives life,moving all things,rooted in all beings;you cleanse all things of impurity,wiping away sins,and anointing wounds,this is radiant, laudable life,awakening and re-awa
Read - Romans 8:18 – 27 and Isaiah 40: 27 – 31
A few years ago, Jane and I went with another couple to share a short voyage on the tall ship, Kajama, which is docked and sails out and about Toronto Harbour.
A toaster oven is great for – erm, ah, making toast and heating up a few more meal items, assuming of course that it is plugged in.
We are 'wee bits of pipe' (my words) through which flows the Living Water, the Holy Spirit, from the lives of Jesus' followers to touch the lives of those around us.
When I’m ‘on’ with the Lord, good things come to me. When I’m not; they don’t. I can’t explain it. I couldn’t say it’s normal or biblical, or the way it should be or always is.
When Thomas beheld and touched the wounds of Jesus, he cried: ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus responded, in effect.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flowPraise Him, all creatures here belowPraise Him above, you heavenly hosts,Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
This beautiful stained glass is in St. Peter's, Rome.
I feel the winds of God today
Today my sail I lift
Though heavy, oft with drenching spray
And torn with many a rift.
How is this new clan and community - called the Church, to be part of God's answer, in Christ? Here's the response of St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesian Church: