Though Not Having Seen

We Believe


When Thomas beheld and touched the wounds of Jesus, he cried: ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus responded, in effect. ‘Well, that’s great, Thomas – how blest you are; but how much more will all those be who, not having seen, also believe.’

We Jesus-followers in these dangerous and uncertain times often ‘walk by faith – not by sight.’

From now on, wrote St. Paul, we know Jesus no longer according to or ‘after the flesh.’ In other words, taste, sight, sound and handling do not apply just now if you want to know Jesus.

In this mean-time, between His resurrection / ascension and until we see Him ‘face to face’, we are to know Him by faith. Faith is born within as the Spirit of Christ resonates within, with our inner spirit, our own deep self. There the Spirit affirms that we are the children of God, and if children then heirs. 

Indeed !

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