
laughing man, Albert & Victoria Museum, London

The photo is from the Albert and Victoria Museum in London, England.

Knowledge is great, but what to do with it? We need wisdom - but where to find it?

Knowing God and God's perspective on our world and on our lives is key.

Sheep and Cross, Scotland

God’s Heaven’s near, a Throne holds sway
Close to creation’s sphere,
And there are places thin, that cry
This is God's world, His Presence near.

Faith can be warm and even fervent. It’s not how much you have but whether it actually connects you to the Source of all comfort, the Ground of all being.

Holy Island of Iona, Looking West

George F. MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community, wrote many wonderful prayers.

sepia plant light

Relationships take time. Experience on experience, Days to months to years.

Investing, spending, building, growing, Some relationships become primary. Perhaps we’re not looking.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ was and is the fullest expression that we can know of God. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus.

“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted.

wayside flower

The Life that Jesus called abundant - what is it and how do you get into it?

Jesus frescoe

When I was growing up, after supper Dad would say: ‘Get the Book.’ And then we’d pray.

Autumn burst

I've never yet got there. I wish I had. Perhaps even in the autumn of my life; perhaps one day yet.


This message was suggested by the writings of Frederick Buechner, especially from his book, 'Alphabet of Grace.' I've used the concept by linking to the story of Jacob, who at Bethel, a first and s

Scotch thistles

From the Bible's Genesis account we discover not only God's creation but also how God has planned for our lives to be lived, so that we flourish as human beings.

Yorkshire sheep

Excerpts from John 10 - Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

"I am come that you might have Life, and have it more abundantly."

wet deck

Prayer is a mystery, but when we approach God, believing that He is - and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him, God hears and answers.

toaster oven

A toaster oven is great for – erm, ah, making toast and heating up a few more meal items, assuming of course that it is plugged in.

Celtic Cross at Communion

The Community of Love, the Church, experiences and expresses God's love, most fully revealed in Jesus of Nazareth.


murky pond

Dr. Maurice Boyd used to tell of a woman who was deaf but then learned also from her doctor that very soon she would be blind as well. But she answered, said Dr.

autumn berries

When I’m ‘on’ with the Lord, good things come to me. When I’m not; they don’t. I can’t explain it. I couldn’t say it’s normal or biblical, or the way it should be or always is.

Window in St Martin's Chapel, Iona

In an article in the Toronto Star, Irish author Colm Toibin was interviewed about his new novel, “Nora Roberts.” I was struck by a comment by the author about one of the book's final scenes in whic

Judas betrays Jesus

One of the early verses that I learned as a small child (at that time in the ubiquitous King James Version) was I Peter 5:8 (which of course comes immediately following verse 7 – ‘casting all your

old cross at Iona, Scotland

Interviewed by Relevant Magazine, author Malcolm Gladwell told of his return to the faith of his childhood.

Raising the Spiritual Temperature

spiritual temperature quote
red autumn leaves

So, when raking my leaves it feels like I've been learning the meaning of the word ‘eternity.

Carnations in Clay Pots

We have this treasure, writes St. Paul, in earthen vessels . . .

clay pots, Scottsdale, Arizona
We have this treasure, writes St. Paul, in earthen vessels . . .
stained glass prayer

'Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You,' wrote the Psalmist.

Ballinatone Church of Ireland, Co Wicklow

Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture and Worship

Christ frescoe: Chora Church, Istanbul

Have we lost the wonder, the Mystery that is God?

People together on path

If you want to be an individual, you can do that all by yourself. But, if you want to be a person, you have to be in community. In relationships we are most truly made.


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