
If you want to play a little game, you can find out both natural responses and spiritual gifting – perhaps just a little hint towards discerning them . . .

Blue Iris

Read I Corinthians 15: 1-11

We are privileged to share the Gospel, but what – and how much, are we to say?

Quill writing

There are, of course, many ways in which we may communicate good news to others, assuming of course that we have something to say.


We want to share with others, through word and deed, in all the various ways in which the Good News of Jesus can be passed on to others.

lights and wall clock

Now those who’d been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was martyred in Jerusalem, traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch in Syria,

two friends

It is a rebuke and opportunity for many of us, myself included, that Mother Theresa has said, "I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbour.


It is a joy to examine the many aspects and all there may be of the scope of life on this planet.

Middle East trees

In the immediate context, Jesus says: Nobody who puts foot to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven . . .

gushing waterfall, RBG, Burlington, ON

When Dallas Willard was asked: 'How do you do “evangelism-discipleship?'  he responded with the following: "My short answer? You ravish people with the blessings of the Kingdom.

Pot in Nairobi - patio

Do plants grow better in pots? Would they grow better, spread further with healthier fruits and richer fruits, colours and splendour, if they were not confined to such human vessels?

Door entrance

Can one local church possibly reach, reflect and respond to all the different kinds of people around it?

What kind of church is helpful, relevant, noticed, needed in its community?

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