Unspoken Sermons

The Revelation of God


I love the amazing wonders of creation. The mind boggles and the heart is expanded. With the Psalmist we exclaim, 'Such knowledge is all too wonderful to me!' Psalm 139:6

Christian author, George MacDonald, a good friend of both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien (all members of 'the Inklings' who met regularly to share and discuss each others' writings), himself wrote of creation in 'Unspoken Sermons.'

He said that 'wherever, in anything that God has made, in the glory of it, be it sky or flower or human face, we see the glory of God. There, a true imagination is beholding a truth of God."

Just think - in every created object, in the intricacies and vastness of the creation, some aspect of God nature, power, personhood, creativity - and so much more, is revealed.

Hmmm . . .

I shall go out into my garden, and into the diamonds of the snow, with new eyes.


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