So, my wife asked me evening. ‘Do you ever think about dying? Hmmm. Good question in this day of pandemic pandemonium, uncertainty and fear.
Trees are a gift to the planet. And more: they are absolutely essential for life.
They stand among us and around us in sheer, wondrous grandeur.
We are all inspired at times. By someone. By something.
Inspired by the music of my friend, Emil G. of Salt Spring Studios, the following poem came to me - and the beautiful images from StoryBlocks. I hope it inspires you too.
Now Spring beckons to us,
The grass and the green,
New buds and small flowers
Are making the scene.
Martin Rees writes - Black holes are simpler than forests and science has its limits.
There’s something about being in ‘the great outdoors,' in the cathedrals of the forest, immersed in the speading scenes and vast vistas.
St. John's Prologue to his Gospel record is the depiction of new creation that not only harkens back to the original Creation but also shows God's new creating work - once again through Jesus.
Here's a (just under) 17 minute video that depicts the seven days of Creation as described in Genesis 1, 2: 1-3.
Whew! What a wonderful world!
The sixth day of Creation on which are created animals and humans, with a mandate for the latter to be stewards of it all.
The fifth day of creation on which are populated the seas and the skies with all manner of fish and sea creatures and birds, respectively.
The Fourth Day of Creation in video form.
The sun and moon are created and hung like spotlight and mirrored chandelier in the vaulted roof of the cosmos.
The third day of creation, as described in Genesis - the first book of the Bible (1:9-13), in which the land is separated from the sea and plants -- herbs and grasses and fruit trees, begin to flou
The second day of creation as described in Genesis 1:6-8.
A video portrayal of Genesis 1:1-4 - the Creation.
Each new day is precious, as is life itself.
With the original Creation, we rejoice in the creative wonder and possibilities that this day will bring forth.
I start with the assumption that there is a God. I don’t have enough faith to think otherwise.
Year ago now, British author Dorothy Sayers wrote a murder mystery of this title - 'Whose Body?'. That title helps us also, to explore the doctrine of the incarnation.
I love the hobby of stained-glass making and I have pursued it on occasion.
I think that every person – their presence, their uniqueness, their face and body, their giftedness, the contribution of their life – says something about God, the God who created each one of us.
Is there a more poignant and powerful carol than: ‘Joy to the World’ ? Well actually, I love them all, all the carols.
We all want justice, but few of us want to be judged.
The Milky Way is our 'galactic home.'
Some musing about the 'big mess' that we sometimes find our world, and our own lives, to be in.
George F. MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community, wrote many wonderful prayers.
Okay, so it's been a real hot - too hot Summer.
Sometimes it's good just to take a few moments, to pause and consider again the goodness of God in the beauty of creation around us.
I love the amazing wonders of creation. The mind boggles and the heart is expanded. With the Psalmist we exclaim, 'Such knowledge is all too wonderful to me!' Psalm 139:6
Global warming exists - but there are many myths about why, who caused it and what we could possibly do about it.
This movie might help to give some perspetive.