Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest geniuses of all time with his work in mathematics, physics and astronomy laying the foundations of much of modern science.
A very technical magazine included a drawing of a sunflower seed pattern, with drawings illustrating a complex engineering principle.
Activate the movie (right) as you read the text.
“The created universe is the fountain fullness of God’s expressed being. As God is expressed in creation, creation in turn expresses the Creator.”
- St. Bonaventure
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Theologians and scholars discuss Jewish and Christian approaches to understanding Genesis One.
". . . the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!
We are to grow up into Christlikeness, the goal of being new creatures in Jesus. But what does that mean in terms of the New Creation.
"The sky has changed!" declare the indigenous peoples of the North, the Inuit.
Recently, scientists have observed the moment of conception when a sperm meets an egg, noting that in that instant there occurs a bright flash of light.
Read - Romans 8:18 – 27 and Isaiah 40: 27 – 31
In Psalm 19, the writer asserts that God is revealed and can be known through both Creation and Revelation, through the 'Book of Nature' and the 'Book of Scripture.'
Whenever we ask Who and What is God? Who and What is He like? - the first answer that Scripture gives seems to be: 'Look at what I’ve made! Look at the Creation!’
The Life that Jesus called abundant - what is it and how do you get into it?
Birds do it . . . bees do it. And happily, humans too.
From the Bible's Genesis account we discover not only God's creation but also how God has planned for our lives to be lived, so that we flourish as human beings.
(The script is similar to the above SoundCloud recording)
Here is a podcast that includes some of my thoughts on Creation and Re-Creation.
With apologies (and thanks) to N.T. Wright (speaking re: his book: ‘The Faithfulness of God’), I am pondering the following – some in his thoughts and words and some in mine:
Cattle grazing by roadside, Kenya
I love flowers - I didn't use to even notice them. But now their beauty reminds me of not only 'here' but 'there' - of a blorious Creation present and the fullness of one yet coming.
A Valentine bouquet, but flowers of love for any day.
When Dallas Willard was asked: 'How do you do “evangelism-discipleship?' he responded with the following: "My short answer? You ravish people with the blessings of the Kingdom.
We all need such a place: what author Madeline L’Engle meant in the book of that name, Circle of Quiet.
Whenever I visit the beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario, I think of how much I used to hate being dragged there as a boy, since a Sunday afternoon with parents and two teasing
Smitten, I’m sure . . . How can two walk (er, swim) together unless they are agreed ?
A goose couple at Lasalle Park, Burlington, Ontario.
As a Christian, I believe that all of us who live on planet earth ought to be the best stewards of the gift of this blue and green planet as we possibly can be.
Our lives are coloured by various events that come, at least to me, like images, both stark and beautiful.