Botanical Gardens

RBG flower and bee

Botanical Gardens

Whenever I visit the beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario, I think of how much I used to hate being dragged there as a boy, since a Sunday afternoon with parents and two teasing sisters, walking slowly and commenting on the beauties of botanical bounty, was not my idea of a good time. Now, with the joy of digital photography having seized my imagination, I can spend many minutes, even hours, pursuing the perfect picture – or at least one or two to add to this site.

I think the beauty of creation at its best is just a glimpse, a foretaste, of a renewed earth, of the re-creation God has planned and will fully enact. It's just basic beauty in the coming world - and there will be much, much more, not only of beauty but also in the realms of: justice, wonder, creativity and joy, in the totally right-side-up New Creation, aka the Kingdom of God.

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