

In the context of St. Patrick's Day, I celebrate Ireland's beauty, the great contributions it has made to history, to spirituality, to music and to culture.

I used to like Winter.

Recently, I was talking with a friend about a small dilemma I face when working on my hobbies.

bluebells and fence

Now Spring beckons to us,
The grass and the green,
New buds and small flowers
Are making the scene.

Green Family Picture

The love and lore - and almost addiction, of family genealogical research.

Watch, enjoy, but be careful; it really can be an addictive pursuit.

flowers - Prisma

“It’s such a gift for someone to tell you the truth, and it’s such a gift for someone to create art with the mess and the chaos and the despair of life, to have turned it into a song, a poem, a nov

Happy Easter

Beyond the cold earth, thorns and thistles, and other seemingly impossibly insurmountable circumstances . . .

Χριστός ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

Holy Week

What will you do with this man?

St. Patrick sign

I have two links with Irish roots in my family tree, from both my mother and father’s sides of the family.

My pursuit of genealogy as a hobby has become a passion, perhaps even an addiction.

True Enough

sepia creche

Real worth is found in the Babe of Bethlehem, in the Christ of Glory!

I-Phone has a neat little application available to it, called Prisma.

Holy Island of Iona, Looking West

George F. MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community, wrote many wonderful prayers.

Bransdale Graves

Here is my father’s mother - Alice Annie Green standing by the graves of her grandparents, in England in 1896.

So many ways to communicate Good News. I love the proclamation, the word of mouth, even as I remember the challenge of St.

A CBC radio interview in which host Susan McReynolds interviewed me on August 26th, 2016 - on the occasion of the return and Committal of the remains of my great-uncle, Freeman Barber, to interment

My Great Uncle, Freeman Barber, was interred in the Avondale Cemetery, Guelph, ON - August 26th, 2016. I had the privilege of conducting the Committal Service.

Click on the Movie and listen and look, pause and read.

Wind swept cold and spongy moss
Of heather underfoot. Grey sculling
Clouds that fleece sky and sheep --
Their winter coats askew

Listen to this brief telling of the Moon - Green connection.

Grandpa and Grandma Richardson lived here, in Eden Mills, ON, in the mi

Grandma and Grandpa Barber - Alice Annie Green (1890 - 1976) and Gordon Barber (1889 - 1967).

Usually, I will be posting all things to do with genealogy in that section of this site.

Mixed flowers of Summer

Some random photos. I love photography and the gift of travel in recent years.

Music: 'November Rain'

Manningford Abbots, Wiltshire

UPDATE TO WHAT FOLLOWS. I have found the record of the birth of James Stratton, son of Thomas Stratton, labourer and Sarah Newman - Pewsey Registration District of Wiltshire, Engla

Toberpatrick: St. Patrick's Well, Co Wicklow

The week of the celebration of St. Patrick's life, I am of course thinking of beautiful Ireland, and some of my own family roots there.

Flowers, Royal Botanical Gardens

Recently, I accompanied my mother and sister on an indoor excursion and visit to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington.

Coolattin House, Co Wicklow, Ireland

In the Autumn of 2012, I visited Co Wicklow, Ireland, to the ancestral home and townlands related to my Willoughby family ancestors.

Lambshead – interesting name, that.


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