My pursuit of genealogy as a hobby has become a passion, perhaps even an addiction.
I have many, many relatives that I long to meet one day - thousands of them, many whom I feel I know intimately, though they've been 'resting from their labours' for decades - even centuries now. Not possible of course to meet them as yet - but there is so much now to be found online about them - about ancestors far and near. and have been invaluable in recent years. I began my searching by visiting local libraries (not much there, initially) and local LDS (Mormon) research centres and there spending hours pouring over microfilm and microfiche. I can look at a page and spot the name pretty quickly now.
Correctly discerning and Integrating names into the family tree can be a different matter, often taking meticulous time and patience.
There are so many continuing 'puzzles' and gaps to be solved and filled in. But then, I think I'd be a tad disappointed if all of the searches were over or if someone handed me 'The Complete Family Tree' including all names and branches of my family.
Much of the fun (and challenge) has been in finding the relevant 'pieces' and in building the puzzle further.
And so the quests continue.