
Valentine Display

red beauty

A Valentine bouquet, but flowers of love for any day.

Old Village Street

street, Carlton Place

This street in Carlton Place, Ontario, a wonderful old town in the Ottawa Valley, takes one back to earlier times. A few streets over, and we are into today, and even tomorrow.

Barn: Lanark County, Ontario

old barns

This photo was taken in the Ottawa Valley - old log barns in Lanark County, with 'newer' yet. The wonder is they've survived so long, still used for intending purpose.

Coldstream Guard

Mounted Guard, London, England

I love the pomp and circumstance, the stern face, the horse that looms above. Patient, waiting, guarding - but, O so much potential. Frightening that.

Gerber Daisy

Daisy on black velvet

Gerber daisies were favorites of my mother-in-law. She was a milliner and before she 'passed through' she was thrilled as together we created a table display, with hats and daisies.

Flower Beauty Competition

flower variations

Summer flower variations on a theme at a friend's home.

Miss Daisy

yellow daisy

Summer daisy

Rocking Horse

Rocking Horse

A friend's provision for grandchildren's fun.


blue iris

Blue iris beauty

Straw Hat

Hat and Gerbers

From a day together with my mother-in-law, a milliner, who loved Gerbers daisies.

Purple Flower

RBH, Burlington, ON. Wish I knew all the names for these gorgeous flowers.

Music of the Spheres

two glass balls

Beautiful glad bulb balls, hand blown and on display at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario.

Royal Botanical Garden

flame plant

I don't know the name so I'll call it the flame plant; indoor winter display at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario.


St. Peter

Sculpture inside St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy

Original Nike

The Power of Symbols

The god Nike, in Ephesus.


old musical instrument

He who pays the piper calls the tune.


Longing for Spring!

Almonte, ON

So many beautiful, unexplored places . . .

Not Ceasar

Jesus is Lord!

Laurence Writing

I think I may have a book in me . . .


Byblos, Lebanon - fisherman

Even one fisherman can catch many fish . . .

Walk on Water

Muskoka cottage view

If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat (or church building for that matter).

Ephesus Amphitheatre

Amphitheatre in Ephesus

When the Apostle Paul came with his colleagues into Ephesus, they came in 'hot.' In short, he caused a riot. He told and showed a Gospel that was powerful and true - and lasting.


Summer orange

Space Gadget

National Air and Space Museum, Dulles, VA

Space Museum

space apparatus

At the Air and Space Museum, Dulles, Virginia. Perhaps a satellite: I forget what what this was for . . .


Bridge of Angels, Rome

There are some things, I like to think, that Mr. Brown does not know about angels. Whether he knows about demons, who can say? Perhaps he has writing demons. Perhaps angels need not apply.

Mary's Death

Picture from Chora Church, Istanbul.


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