Earth Axis Shift

Perhaps the Real Reason for Global Warming


"The sky has changed!" declare the indigenous peoples of the North, the Inuit. I don't think this therefore calls for humanity to do something - like in situations on those small boats in danger of capsizing where everyone is encouraged to rush therefore quickly to the other side, to evenly disperse or to try to create new balance. As if  . . . as if we actually could create such new balance in the 'righting' of the planet, if 'righting' it would be.

It may well be that the modern religion (can I say the 'propaganda?') of 'global warming' calling for our immediate or soon reducing of our individual and collective carbon footprint(s) will prove to be as futile and fruitless as some perceive the old religions - including the fading pseudo-christianity of Christendom, to have become.

As a Christian, a serious follower of Jesus who takes the Bible seriously (though not always literally), I believe that we are to be good stewards of all creation - that it's part of our common responsibility, why we were ourselves created in and out-of this planet (dust to dust . . .)  - to steward, care for, develop and rejoice in its proper fecundity. I think our failure to do that - as we have, rather, exploited and dominated and ruined it to be sure - may well be resulting in 'some' of the obvious mess we's in. But come on . . .

I do not believe in much of the modern global warming myths and attending moralisms now being forced upon our thinking, calling newly and Now! for radical action (and for the needless impact upon our pocket-books and bottom-lines).

I like and appreciate much of the 'green' agenda. I think we should indeed move from oil-gas dependency to electricity, asap. The resource will not always be there and its effects are obviously negative as well as positive.

But the scare tactics bug me. And the hypocrisy as well, of those who fly in private jets as well-known musicians or movie-stars, glutting gas as they do, to tell us that we should shut down all refineries immediately and head-off all possibilities of constructing new gas-lines. O, I see - we should buy from Saudi Arabia still, and such other external places (who's human rights violations are our common concern), while our economy 'goes south' and too many lose their jobs in the western oil fields because we've stopped buying their produce - because, you see, we're cutting back and going green.

I am angry when a large cadre of Canadians fly to Paris (what did that cost and how much gas did that consume?!) so that they may there make pronouncements and resolutions and return to preach about immediately-needed reduction-goals due to global warming. More hypocrisy and playing to the crowds and to the times.

It's complicated, I know. I wish more politicians understood that and became wiser still, rather than simply than buying into this new ideology and playing to the masses.

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