
garbage truck and man loading

Garbage Day is part of the routine for most of us in the First World. We're fortunate we can discard it... out of sight, our of mind...

Lake scene

"The earth is the Lord's... Psalm 24:1

We belong to the One who created us. And we are privileged to be stewards of all creation (not that we've been very good at it).

We are to grow up into Christlikeness, the goal of being new creatures in Jesus. But what does that mean in terms of the New Creation.

"The sky has changed!" declare the indigenous peoples of the North, the Inuit.

Bluebonnet Woods, Wiltshire

(The script is similar to the above SoundCloud recording)

orchard, Meaford, ON

There is a new way of creating orchards and producing good fruit. The old orchards had trees that were taller, difficult to harvest. So, newer, dwarf varieties were tried.

bell at Iona Abbey, Scotland
Leonard Cohen exhorts us to, 'Ring the bells that still can ring.'
I resonate with perfectionists.
Winter View at Sundown



As a Christian, I believe that all of us who live on planet earth ought to be the best stewards of the gift of this blue and green planet as we possibly can be.

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