
'The problem with life is that its so daily,' said Wood Allen once. Another problem - if it is that, is that life is very short.

old church

We must be careful in our love/or hate of the Church (a lover's quarrel?) and see to it that we love the brothers and sisters, whatever may be their faults - and not take on the task of accusing th

What if we just manage to make our church more like the Pharisees than like Jesus?!

church and spire

We must be careful in our love/or hate of the Church (a lover's quarrel?) and see to it that we love the brothers and sisters, whatever may be their faults - and not take on the task of accus

feet wading into lake
Walking on water in liquid time
ankles, toes, shanks immersed
but not quite sinking, yet:
Can we learn to walk on water?
open window shutters

The World is Flat is the title of a book by Pulitzer prize winner Thomas L. Friedman, subtitled: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.

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