The World is Flat is the title of a book by Pulitzer prize winner Thomas L. Friedman, subtitled: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. This is an astounding book that, as the blurb has it, “helps you see things in a new way.” Friedman writes for the New York Times where he is the foreign affairs columnist.
Commenting on the contemporary, the book reveals how the lightning fast and changing times in which we live reflect also almost incredible advances in technology and communications. The globe has shrunk, time zones have become almost meaningless. Now, the new and remarkable convergences of such things as weblogs, the internet, global out-sourcing and in-sourcing have created a new world for commerce, knowledge, and nearly every other aspect of life on this planet.
Globalization, as the blurb has it, “has shifted into warp-drive.”
This book is must reading for present global understanding and future-think considerations.