"Hefner's Playmates—and, in the culture he has done so much to shape, all women—are primarily visual objects, metaphysically truncated to their improbable physical attributes.
So quickly, the days of Summer speed by. And then it’s over. And then it’s Autumn.
The brain doesn’t like logical, rational, conscious thinking - and will take any shortcut it can.
Resurrection and Ascension – Because He lives, we shall live also; because He was raised, so shall we be. Already Christ, the first of a new race has entered fully into the New Creation.
I'm not a scientist - don't pretend to be, but I've done a lot of reading over the years - about cosmology, evolution, theories of creation, climate change, and so on.
The Milky Way is our 'galactic home.'
“Teach us to number our days that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom.” – Psalm 90: 12
Each summer flies by - too quickly. I love the Seasons and in one sense welcome and farewell them as they come and go. But Summer's parting leaves one especially whistful.
They say that our body's blood system, if laid end to end, would circle the equator four times. You could look it up.
An advertizing send-up. Maybe some day.
Tochar Studios inspiration and resources at lauriebarber.ca
Hoping more and more people will find, be inspired and helped by Tochar Studioes resource materials, at lauriebarber.ca
Yes, hard as it may be to believe (to get my head around), there was a day when I looked like this. Way, way back - circa 1973 when I was still in Seminary.
A brief 'card intro' to Tochar Studios.
Recently, scientists have observed the moment of conception when a sperm meets an egg, noting that in that instant there occurs a bright flash of light.
I don't pretend to understand much if anything of what this video is talking about, but I think it may describe a very important discovery that will add greatly to our understanding of how the worl
Apparently one cannot change the past, nor yet the future - but only the ‘now.’
As Christians, we live in this in-between mean-while, believing and hoping in God and His better Future even when so much of the evidence seems to be to the contrary. St.
Christian 'mission' includes setting up 'sign posts' of Kingdom-present and Kingdom-coming, giving glimpses and examples of what it can be - will be, like when the fullness of God's purposes and Hi
Well, here's an article about the mind (click here) that will make you go, 'Hmmmm.' Or: 'Say What?!'
I read articles (such as the following) about the wonder that is quantum physics, as through comtemporary scientific observation, discovery and theory we try to comprehend it.
John O'Donohue was an Irish poet and philosopher. His book Anam Ċara, Gaelic for "soul friend" (paperback, 1998) has been very well received and I too have found it very helpful.
We are 'wee bits of pipe' (my words) through which flows the Living Water, the Holy Spirit, from the lives of Jesus' followers to touch the lives of those around us.
The full poem written by Amy Carmichael may be found here.
God's Kingdom is - well, different from what we often imagine or even want. In God's Kingdom, less may be more.
A clean, clear and sound inner life
so important to us all
and vital to a life of faith.
The origin of the word for ‘blessing’ in the ancient Semitic (including Hebrew), was in the root b-r-k.
Here are some words from the book we all love [I John 3:1 – 3].
In an article in the Toronto Star, Irish author Colm Toibin was interviewed about his new novel, “Nora Roberts.” I was struck by a comment by the author about one of the book's final scenes in whic
'For God so loved the cosmos . . .' surely means that the whole creation, damaged as it is, will be restored and brought to new creation fulness.