
ancient church window, Scotland

Those of Jesus' followers who have gone “beyond evangelical” have moved on from the early 20th-century fundamentalism vs. modernism debate that our forefathers passionately fought . . .

stained glass prayer

'Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You,' wrote the Psalmist.

Back to school shopping - sure? Back to church shopping - not so much.

Some Day Soon

Wedding place setting

Getting ready for the Banquet.


Pleasure boats docked

Emily Dickinson wrote that 'Nature is a haunted house - but Art is a house that tries to be haunted.'

Limitations of the Linear



I am quite a lateral thinker, though I can at times think, plan and act in a straight line, if that's called for.

Butterfly display

The Modern Age led people to organize and analyze, and in this case to chlorophorm beauty and to pin it on white-board (complete with frame) and give it a Latin name (on the reverse side).

pink flowers

My son shared with me a book that I found difficult to put down. It’s called Shantaram and I’ve found in it all kinds of ‘wisdom.’ The author is Gregory David Roberts (published by St.

Loving ourselves at the expense of loving others is contrary to the heart of the Gospel.
Road near the Rift Valley, Kenya

Who would have thought that such quick and steep descent into raw evil could have happened, as it has happned in Kenya just a few years ago during a national election.

bas relief, Iona Abbey cloister

“Man as created was already crowned with glory and honor, for made in the likeness of the enthroned Glory, a little lower than the angels of the divine council, man was invested with official a

beautiful flower

I once heard well-known Christian speaker and writer Tony Compolo encourage a room frull of Christians to live life to the full.

Famine Cemetery in Ireland

You know the movie: You can't handle the truth! says Jack Nicholson's character. But Jesus said: And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Church of SS Peter & Paul, Fressingfield, Suffolk, England

The oldest ancestor that I can link to directly was James Barber,  born in 1434 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England. My son’s name is ‘James (Arthur Gordon) Barber.

Laurie Barber in Iona Abbey

The oldest relative - ancestor, that I can link to is 'James Barber, ' born in 1434 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England. My son's name is 'James (Arthur Gordon) Barber. My middle name is James.

Arthur Freeman Barber as a young man

I may think and respond in 360 degrees, but my father was able to think and create in 3D. I envy that ability.

winter sun at evening

I put out the following - not sure that I believe or endorse it, but because I want to consider it awhile; these thoughts and their implications for understanding, truthfulness, clarity, pati

bell at Iona Abbey, Scotland
Leonard Cohen exhorts us to, 'Ring the bells that still can ring.'
I resonate with perfectionists.
English garden

Whether we have a garden or an orchestra, we can appreciate the rich sights and smells or the wonderful sounds of music that emanate through such diversity - in the context of unity - from th

The Good News or The Gospel or Godspel is what changes folk, what can change the world. It guides, shelters, helps and keeps us.

A dog and his friend

Someone has said, Fail often; it's really the only way you learn. That would be true for most of us, remember, when we were learning to walk.

Our lives are coloured by various events that come, at least to me, like images, both stark and beautiful.

two women helping a soldier

As we journey, we will encounter all kinds of evill, hate and opposition. Some of it happens to us; some of it, sadly, we may help to create.

piggy picture

On one occasion Jesus said, 'Don’t cast your pearls before swine less they trample them underfoot and then turn and rend you.'

Lake at Gougane Barra, Co Cork, Irleland

Can it be that the end of things paves the way for the beginning of the new? Yet, it’s hard to let go when the new is not yet apparent, has not yet arrived.

open window shutters

The World is Flat is the title of a book by Pulitzer prize winner Thomas L. Friedman, subtitled: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.

Things We Carry

ox cart

An old cart in vieux Montreal reminds me that we carry with us, in our hearts, things that are colourful and beautiful, that live with us still.


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