On one occasion Jesus said, 'Don’t cast your pearls before swine less they trample them underfoot and then turn and rend you.'
I think he meant that it’s not so much that smart, good, resourceful me has these wonderful, precious things to share, with aspects even of myself, included – and that someone else is just too dumb or piggish or priggish to appreciate ‘my pearls’ – of wisdom or opinion or some other precious gift.
It’s more that, well – pigs don’t eat pearls ! – and so I need to figure out what it is they do need, if I’m to offer anything, or be anyone, helpful. What would be nourishing, appreciated, precious to them, to this particular person?
Some may ‘trample underfoot’ some things, precious things even; people (myself included) I may think precious and worthwhile, worth something at least, because I’m offering what they perceive they do not need or want. They are likely quite unaware of any hurt I may feel to their response.
And yes, some may ‘turn and rend’ me because they are still hungry, because I’ve not given what they really need or desire. Maybe I don’t have what they need; maybe they’re finding it somewhere else – and will keep looking, thankyou.
A parent, a teacher, an employer, a pastor seeks to find ways, means, gifts that will truly nourish and nurture others in their care or sphere of influence, based on an adequate and accurate assessment of child, student, mentee or employee. So also, I must work at finding out what I can best and most helpfully give (if appropriate to do so at all), assessing whose need it is really, mine or another’s, before I cast forth the gift.