
Freeman Barber - worshop


So, my wife asked me evening. ‘Do you ever think about dying?  Hmmm. Good question in this day of pandemic pandemonium, uncertainty and fear.

We join in worship, angels 'round the Throne
To worship Him whose death made us His own
With elders, saints and martyrs in that Room -

red hollyhock

Resurrection and Ascension – Because He lives, we shall live also; because He was raised, so shall we be. Already Christ, the first of a new race has entered fully into the New Creation.

Some Day Soon

Wedding place setting

Getting ready for the Banquet.

trees on Irish hillside
In "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church," (HarperOne), Canon N.T. Wright claims that God is redeeming THIS creation.
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