
A movie - VERY loosely based on the New Testament story: 'The Prodigal.'

'Coming Home' is a metaphor for all kinds of situations, as well as, literally, a return to the house, town or country of one's birth or upbringing.

Man with red shirt on motorcycle

We leave the home of our upbringing, sooner or later, for all kinds of reasons.

fire in fireplace

Many people grow up, sons and daughters, in relatively stable, safe and well-provided for environments. Love and caring are evident and the necessities - and more, of life are abundant.

They say one can never really go home again - that to go home is to find that all has changed, that everything has become very different from how you remember it.

Irish Cottage

sepia: old Irish cottage

Old cottage by the roadside, somewhere in 'middle' Ireland.


There are pioneer souls that blaze the paths

Where highways never ran-

Back to My Real World

A Winter Stream in Burlington, Ontario

After having lived in many places, Burlington Ontario, London Ontario, Toronto, Wenham MA, Gloucester MA, Uxbridge ON, Calgary Alberta, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, and Toronto again - I return at times

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