Resurrection and Ascension – Because He lives, we shall live also; because He was raised, so shall we be. Already Christ, the first of a new race has entered fully into the New Creation.
Christian 'mission' includes setting up 'sign posts' of Kingdom-present and Kingdom-coming, giving glimpses and examples of what it can be - will be, like when the fullness of God's purposes and Hi
God's Kingdom is - well, different from what we often imagine or even want. In God's Kingdom, less may be more.
Here is a podcast that includes some of my thoughts on Creation and Re-Creation.
Everything in all creation is part of - and is to be subject to God’s purposes and plans.
In an article in the Toronto Star, Irish author Colm Toibin was interviewed about his new novel, “Nora Roberts.” I was struck by a comment by the author about one of the book's final scenes in whic
Back to school shopping - sure? Back to church shopping - not so much.
In "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church," (HarperOne), Canon N.T. Wright claims that God is redeeming THIS creation.
Quoting an unknown predecessor in Britain’s House of Commons, 11 November 1947, Winston Churchill said, "Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin an
I wonder if there's a similarly of thought to ponder if one exchanges the word 'country' (in the following quote) for 'Kingdom.' Consider then the words of Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), as he
There’s got to be a point or a ‘so what?’ aspect beyond our having good leadership and healthy churches.
Any saint with a dream for your part of the nation ?