What If God's There After All?

What Might that Mean - for You


So, perhaps we're angry with such a question: - 'What if there's a God and God expects something of you and me?'

Anyone can be skeptical, cynical, dismissive - and downright rude and crude about matters of faith and people of faith. That’s easy, sometimes understandable, and even predictable for some. But it takes courage and hard-work, or at least focus - guts + effort, to research, study, ponder and maybe even be willing to accept and even (this is scary) to be willing to change.

The Jewish / Christian collection of books that we call the Bible says that God is both a demanding Judge and a personal, patient Parent - 'not willing that any should ' . . .  - erm:' perish.’

It may be worth our while, and that of others - indeed, our world, that we personally at least take stock of our lives and strive to enter into a serious search for a God - Who may just be there, after all.

And, if God is there (or here) - then what? Now what?

Perhaps God is searching for us. If so, keep watch . . . and, watch out!