
Recently, I was talking with a friend about a small dilemma I face when working on my hobbies.

St. Patrick sign

I have two links with Irish roots in my family tree, from both my mother and father’s sides of the family.

old church

We must be careful in our love/or hate of the Church (a lover's quarrel?) and see to it that we love the brothers and sisters, whatever may be their faults - and not take on the task of accusing th

I find that when I prepare my sermon, I write it out many times and refine it - until I think I know what I'm going to say.

Not everyone is going to embrace your brilliant idea. Not at first, anyway. But some will - if it's good, and worthy, and timely.

Leaders know that it all comes down to relationships.

Toronto skyline from tall ship Kajama

A few years ago, Jane and I went with another couple to share a short voyage on the tall ship, Kajama, which is docked and sails out and about Toronto Harbour.

Low Tide, Tobermory, Scotland

There are times when we feel we are under some very dark clouds. They shadow us in gloom and despair.

What if denominations were clusters of churches bent on being part of  a missional movement, part of a new mission-shaped atmosphere and ethos. To 'get there from here' will involve ch

If we were going to be missionaries, say in Kenya, we would take seriously our need of entering another land, other cultures (one or more of scores of tribes and clans and sub-cultures), learning t

Granville Island people

What does it mean that in following after God's purposes for our lives, we remember that as Jesus was sent to our world, so are we?

Window and Cross: Iona

Some questions and suggestions for Christians, pastors, leaders - as we try to move forward in ministry . . .

Two men walking in single file

Dan Webster of Authentic Leadership, Inc. spoke at a pastor’s conference I attended.

Room of planners with whiteboard

How can denominations and Christian leaders intentionally help local churches in their primary and privileged mission task of being with and working with Christ as He transforms neighbourhood


“Nothing worthwhile is ever accomplished without passion . . .”

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