We take it for granted, but really, there's no guarantee that we will get up on any given morning. Each day, every morning's dawning, is sheer gift — a resurrection.
A movie roughly based on Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd.... with score written by Laurie Barber using Logic Pro X, Eric Whitacre choral voicings, and violin.
A personal prayer using words adopted (and adapted) from Psalm 36.
In our everyday, but especially in some of the most taxing and excruciating times and experiences of life, there is One who is Present, who cares, leading and guiding, nourishing and providing - wi
The old song encourages us: - 'Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining . . .'
We’ve entered a new day, perhaps a new month and even a new year.
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.
- Frances Havergal
Recently I was reading an article about the video games that came out in 2016. Writes the author, "My favorite games did exactly what this year did: they took away control.
Oh does it?! - and do they?! . . . Hmmm.
The hymn writer William Cowper allowed that ‘God moves in a mysterous way, His wonders to perform.’ The doctrine of providence speaks of 'divinely ordained events and outcomes.’
It's easy to despair. We all do at times. The world seems to be in such a mess; things constantly go wrong. It's difficult to see that there's any plan or purpose, any rhyme or reason.
Yes, hard as it may be to believe (to get my head around), there was a day when I looked like this. Way, way back - circa 1973 when I was still in Seminary.
We wake each morning to a fresh, brand-new day, one filled with such possibility and where we do not know what now, what next, Life will bring to us, that God will bring us to.
This message was suggested by the writings of Frederick Buechner, especially from his book, 'Alphabet of Grace.' I've used the concept by linking to the story of Jacob, who at Bethel, a first and s
We have this treasure, writes St. Paul, in earthen vessels . . .
"We think we are headed toward the future. The truth is, the future is headed toward us." So says author Reggie McNeal in his book, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church.